The One Lovely Blog Award

Wow! What a surprise! I was nominated for The One Lovely Blog Award by Holly at Nut Free Nerd. Thank you so much, Holly! Please visit her blog if you are unfamiliar with it.

I honestly don’t know much about this award, other than what I’ve googled and that is just a bunch of nominations online. From what I can tell it is bloggers “nominating” other bloggers so they can introduce other people to new blogs they may not know about.

img_1112The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award
  • Display the banner/sticker/logo on your blog
  • Share 7 facts or things about yourself
  • Nominate up to 15 bloggers that you admire and inform the nominees


The Facts:

  • I graduated with a BFA in Art with concentrations in Photography, Printmaking & Book Arts.
  • I have two Chihuahua furbabies, ages 9 & 10, that are still spry like they’re youngins and they keep me guessing.
  • I never made it through the LOTR books, but still loved the movies, which lead to my obsession with Viggo Mortensen when the movies were released. I still check up on him every now and then to see what he’s working on these days.
  • I’m an art teacher. Whhhhaaaat? Yeah. ^_^
  • My favorite band is Linkin Park and Chester’s death devastated me. Their music saved my life when I was a teen and young adult in my early 20s.
  • I’m a Vegan and anything with chickpeas is my food obsession. Everything chickpeas!
  • I don’t have a favorite book because there are too many great ones out there, but my favorite genres are SFF in both YA and Adult.

Blogs I nominate:


Thank you all for being lovely bloggers and I hope this is a nice surprise for you as it was for me.

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